What We Do

Core Services

We answer all your financial questions. We make sure you address all your financial needs. This is what we call comprehensive financial planning.

We fix broken investment portfolios. This is what we call investment management services.


Financial Planning

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Why a Financial Plan?

Without a plan, you are most likely winging your financial future and will end up with a hodgepodge of financial products and retirement accounts.

A financial plan analyzes your current financial situation, and course of action to meet future needs, wants, and wishes.

It would be best if you approached finances strategically. Every asset and dollar must have a purpose and work towards your goals.

A financial plan puts everything together clearly and concisely to ensure financial success.

Benefits of a Financial Planner

You benefit from my 17 years of financial planning knowledge and experience.

We look at all your finances to include things you may have overlooked.

We ensure you avoid common mistakes, costly financial products, and emotional decisions.

We educate you. We empower you. We plan for 10 to 30 years in the future, not just for today.

And better sleep at night knowing you are addressing all your financial needs.


Clients can pay a flat fee based on the scope of services for financial planning.  The flat fee starts at $2,000.

Investment Management clients pay a percentage of assets under management (AUM). Comprehensive financial planning services are included in the AUM fee.

AUM fee starts at 1% and decreases based on total assets under management.


Step 1. Get to Know You Appointment and Establish the Relationship

Step 2. Financial Planning Discovery Process with Access to Online Financial Planning Sofware

Step 3. Discuss Recommendations, Execution, and Plan Delivery

Step 4. On-going Planning, Review, and Accountability Meetings

We aim to ensure all the i’s are dotted, and t’s are crossed regarding your financial affairs. 

Investment Management

Investment strategies tailored to your goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Continuous review of your investment portfolio, rebalancing, tax harvesting, and tax minimization.

Our focus is not on timing the market but crafting a long-term strategy to minimize risk and maximize your returns.

Our investment strategies are based on academic research and evidence-based.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Common Questions